
Coping with Pet Loss: Articles, Books and Support


You are not alone

Helpful resources and services for people who grief the loss of their pet companion


The Loss of a Pet: A Guide to Coping with the Grieving Process When a Pet DiesThe Loss of a Pet: A Guide to Coping with the Grieving Process When a Pet Dies

I found Wallace Sife’s book to be very helpful when we need a better understanding of the grieving process is to help us cope. At times we may ask “is what I feel normal?”,  this book is really supporting good self-care.

You can purchase this book here.

And I Love You Still... A Thoughtful Guide and Remembrance Journal for Healing the Loss of a Pet

And I Love You Still… A Thoughtful Guide and Remembrance Journal for Healing the Loss of a Pet

This remembrance journal and guide really allows us reflect on our animal bond, express what we feel and capture beautiful memories. For those of us who prefer privacy and contemplation compared to conversation, this book is very helpful resource.

You can purchase this book here.

The Pet Loss Companion Healing Advice

The Pet Loss Companion Healing Advice Family Therapists Who by Dolan-Del Vecchio

The Pet Loss Companion is very concise and easy to read book that also considers the challenges of families and children experiencing the loss of the best friend which may be their first experience of death. Sage words from family therapists offering wisdom and solace.

You can purchase this book here.

Creating Special Moments to Celebrate your Pet’s Life

Commemorating your bond of love and joy are captured perfectly by creating meaningful moments. There are many ways to do this and here are just a few examples.

Creativity and Play

Expressing yourself through art can be a great help during the grieving process and create unique lasting memories. 

Imagine painting stones, creating pictures or writing letters during the memorial service to capture the moment and memorialise your pet. This can be especially helpful for children struggling with their loss..

Rituals and Symbols

Releasing balloons with personal messages attached is a peaceful ritual symbolising,  a gentle “moment of “letting go” . They can even be personalised.

Letting them go together and seeing them lifted into the sky offer moments of reflection and calm.

Personalised Candles and Mementos

Personalised candles are beautiful symbols of warmth and light for the ceremony and make a meaningful gift for guests. Small mementos are ideal to create lasting memories, for example plaques, photo blocks or keepsake jewelry. 

personalised candles
planting tree as memorial

Tree Planting

Planting a tree is a lovely symbol representing the circle of life, reminding us that we all return to nature when our time comes. Tree planing is a wonderful way to remember your pet’s past and help the future of the planet.

Support from people who understand

Vicky Nonas, Grief Counsellor

Well acquainted with grief, and from her lived experience, including the loss of her beloved Cattle x Kelpie, Boof in 2009, Vicky felt what can only be described as a strong pull to one day support others in their time of need – something she says “was sadly lacking when she needed help with her heartbreak”. 

She offers a safe space for people to express their sorrow and talk about the fond forever memories of their beloved pets. She provides a deep witnessing and acknowledgement of this underestimated grief and a knowing that for many, losing a beloved pet can be just as significant as losing a human loved one, perhaps more so for some people. 

David Flakelar

Kelly Mercieca, Animal Communication

Kelly Mercieca from Kelly’s Animal Communication is a Globally Accredited Animal Communicator, Healer and Psychic Channel. She energetically connects with your beloved animal who has crossed the rainbow bridge and you can ask your animal questions and give them a message. The sessions are very helpful and can provide peace and comfort around their passing. It enables you to ask how they felt about any decisions you have had to make around their passing, which is so helpful with any guilt or emotions you are feeling, acknowledge and release them.  Kelly holds space for you in a non-judgemental and compassionate way and offers Reiki healing to support your grief as well.

David Flakelar

David Flakelar, Energy Medicine

I have known David for more than 10 years. On my journey, he helped  to overcome many challenges and guidance for better self-care. 

Deep empathy and intuition combined with more than 30 experience, David tunes into what the real underlying issue is and empowers his clients to release unhelpful energy blocks.

David is the founder of Inner Performance and practises in Sydney.

David Flakelar

David Brennan; Psychologist

I have known David for more than 20Years and he was instrumental in resolving many personal or relationship-based challenges I faced.

In my experience, David has truly a gift in blending the science of psychology with with deep empathy and so much wisdom he gathered over more than 30 years of practise.

David practises in North Sydney.

David Brennan

Bernadette Sutherland, Counsellor

Bernadette has been counselling clients for 20 years and has personally experienced pet grief and loss and knows the pain of losing a beloved pet. Most of us experience disenfranchised grief. What this means is that pet grief and loss doesn’t fit into the larger society and sadly is minimised, prolonging the emotional pain of grief.  Bernadette has worked in a 24-hour Emergency Veterinary Hospital in an administration role and witnessed firsthand the enormity of pain that one feels when they say goodbye to a pet.

David Brennan