by Ursula Dauenhauer | Aug 14, 2024 | Pet Doula
One of the most challenging responsibilities as a pet owner is making decisions about your pet’s end-of-life care. These decisions are often fraught with emotional turmoil, as they involve weighing your pet’s quality of life against the deep bond you share....
by Ursula Dauenhauer | Aug 14, 2024 | Pet Doula
As more people recognize the profound bond some of us share with our pets, the role of a pet doula has become an increasingly valuable resource during the difficult end-of-life phase. Pet doulas, also known as end-of-life doulas for pets, offer non-medical...
by Ursula Dauenhauer | Aug 14, 2024 | Pet Doula
The loss of a pet is a heart-wrenching experience, leaving a void that seems impossible to fill. Pets are not just animals; they are companions, confidants, and family members who bring unconditional love and joy into our lives. When they pass away, the grief can be...
by Ursula Dauenhauer | Dec 14, 2023 | Pet Memorials
Grief is a universal emotion that transcends cultures, time, believe systems and species, yet when it comes to the loss of a beloved pet, our society often falls short in acknowledging the depth of this experience.Funerals are more than just farewells; they are deeply...
by Ursula Dauenhauer | Sep 21, 2023 | Pet Memorials
Healing on the Journey of Grief: How Customised Pet Memorial Services offer Comfort The sense of loss when we lose our pet can be an emotionally overwhelming experience. Often we even question if the intensity of the pain is “normal”, suppress our feelings and try to...